Permanent TIME EXPOSITION in Šternberk offering a wide-ranging view of the concept of Time from the birth of the universe to the atomic clock.
Contrary to the original intention of creating simply an exhibition of clocks and watches, Createam proposed presenting the concept of Time, its perception and measurement as a phenomenon situated at the cross-section of many scientific disciplines, social transformations and cultures. The exhibition demonstrates how philosophers, astronomers, cosmologists, mathematicians, physicists, artists and artisans from all over the world contributed to the search for an explanation of the mysteries in which Time is shrouded.
Time and its measurement is probably one of the few intangible, and indeed planetary bonds which, irrespective of nationality, race and religion, interconnect the history of our planet and the actions of the earth’s civilization. The initiators of the Time Exposition were the Municipality of Šternberk and the Olomouc Region. In the initial phase the project was supported by the European Union Culture 2000 Programme, and its truly European character was confirmed, right from the beginning, by the cooperation of Šternberk with the towns Lorsch in Germany and Kungsbacka in Sweden. It took a long 11 years for the project to be born! The Exposition of Time was finally achieved in 2010 within the framework of the Czech-Polish project “Travelling through Time””, with the participation of the Olomouc Region and the Opole Voivodeship.
The exhibits on display come from the collections of the Regional Museum in Olomouc, the National Museum of Technology in Prague, the Jewish Museum in Prague and the Shoe-making Museum in Zlín. All these institutions also provided us with substantial expert assistance.
Agentura Dobrý den (Good Day Agency), Pelhřimov
American Museum of Natural History, USA
Archivio di Stato di Siena, Italy
Centre for Modern Education (CZ), s.r.o.
Chester Beatty Library, Ireland
Czech Radio 3 Vltava
Dušák, clock and watch maker and goldsmith
Jewish Museum in Prague
Kunsthaus Zurich, Switzerland
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Austria
Mary Evans Picture Library, UK
PKB Bode Museum, Germany
Prague City Observatory and Planetarium – Štefánik Observatory on Petřín Hill
Prague Loreto, the Order of Friars Minor Capuchins
Prague Municipal Museum
National Gallery in Prague
National Museum – Museum of Music in Prague
National Technical museum in Prague
Regional Museum in Olomouc
Shoe-making Museum in Zlín
Smithonian Institute Libraries, USA
Staatsbibliotek, PKB, Germany
Troppenmuseum, Netherlands
The British Museum, UK
The National Gallery, UK
The National Maritime Museum, UK
The Science Museum, UK
Vranov nad Dyjí Château
Radko Kynčl, National Technical museum in Prague
David Thompson FSA FBHI, The British Museum, London
Jonathan Betts FSA FBHI, FHC, FRSA, The National Maritime Museum,
Royal Observatory Greenwich, London
Martin Zdražil MA, Regional Museum in Olomouc
Radim Himmler MA, Comenius Museum in Přerov
Jaromír Ondráček PhD, Clock-and-Watchmaking School in Jihlava